Marissa Verdon, Staff Writer
With the semester coming to an end, most clubs on campus are getting ready for summer break. However, the Utica College Television Club is ready to hit the ground running in the fall with a new direction.
Professor Laura Lewin advises the UCTV Club, which coincides with the UCTV Practicum course. While the practicum builds skills students will learn in the industry, Lewin isn’t afraid to let the students have some of freedom when it comes to the UCTV Club.
“Right now we’re working on a ‘Family Matters’ opening sequence to introduce our club and our members,” Lewin said. “I’m excited to see what the students do and where we take thing from here.”
According to Lewin, students guide the club in the right direction, while her job is to help students make their plans a reality.
“I keep it really open to what their ideas are,” Lewin said. “I just help to steer it and guide it. This semester has been a lot of planning to figure out what ideas everyone has.”
Sophomore Eufranny Castillo was recently elected as the UCTV manager for the 2018-19 academic year. Castillo is excited to see what the UCTV Club brings to the communications department here at UC.
Castillo feels like UCTV puts the communications department into the spotlight.
“UCTV brings a little bit of excitement into my major because everyday is a learning experience,” Castillo said. “Whether it’s during a production or after a production, we learn something new and think of ways to make our next show even better.”
Lewin hopes that the club adds value to the members college experience and that they take the skills they learn with them post graduation.
“Some of the members of the club are interested in TV and broadcasting after they graduate,” Lewin said. “By being apart of UCTV they’re learning important skills like sticking to deadlines and production, which they can take after they graduate and be ahead of their peers.”
Junior Mark Mitchell says that the club is a similar to a sports team, working towards a singular goal.
“It’s not about who you are. It’s about what you can help do,” Mitchell said. “It’s all about teamwork when it comes down to it and no one is higher than anyone else.”
While the club has been quiet about their future plans, Castillo said the club will be more active.
“I don’t want to give anything away just yet, but we are talking about doing more shows that involve our students and definitely more productions that are fun to do and watch,” Castillo said. “Right now, we are actually working on our new introduction for the show. We are hoping to have this done by the end of this semester.”
If you feel like you have a calling for being on camera, Castillo said the door is always open for new members.
“We love new ideas and bringing in people who are passionate and engaged in wanting to learn more about the field or even the club itself,” Castillo said. “It takes a crew to create a production. Therefore, if you’re a new incoming member, don’t be afraid to be yourself!”
Mitchell has a simple message for those who are interested but are too shy to jump in front in the camera.
“Just go for it. You’ve got four years in college,” Mitchell said. “Do whatever you can, whenever you can because it’s going to go by fast.”
UCTV meets at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays in the broadcast studio located in the basement of the Faculty Center.