We asked Utica University students how they feel about the recent winter weather. Here are their thoughts.
“I’ve lived here my whole life and this is one of the worst winters I’ve ever seen. I did appreciate the snow days – we never get them so it was really nice. There is no parking downtown because of the snow. I think if I lived on campus I would have had more fun because it was easier to see people. — Senior Allison Obernesser.
“I am not enjoying our winter weather and it’s my least favorite season. While it is pretty, there isn’t much to do unless you like being outside in the cold. Between the wind and how cold it has been, it has made any activities dreadful. Being a commuter impacts my travels to the school because when we have school and the weather isn’t the greatest, I have to plan ahead while students on campus don’t have to worry as much.” — Senior Olivia DeKing
“I am not really used to the winter snow since I’m from Florida, so I do like the change, but the winds are awful. I’m also not the best driver in the snow so it makes it difficult for me to really go anywhere when the roads are bad. I feel like snow days can be fun because you get a free day, but they also get boring since you’re just trapped in your room.” — Sophomore Liv Leider
“As someone from New York, I’d say this winter has been pretty typical cold, sometimes unpredictable, but nothing too shocking. The biggest impact for me has been dealing with icy sidewalks and the occasional travel delays, but that’s just part of the season. I’m not the biggest fan of winter, to be honest. I don’t mind the look of fresh snow, but the cold? Not really my thing. I’ll go sledding or skating if friends drag me along, but I’d much rather be inside where it’s warm.” – Junior Liam LaRoe
“I think the weather is a good thing, we finally got a white Christmas, and experienced a real winter. It’s also my first time driving in a bad winter so it takes some getting used to. I definitely like fall or summer over winter. But the hats and gloves are super cute to wear and hot cocoa is also one of the great things about winter.” – Sophomore Chelsea Tennant