A new vice president of enrollment management is making their way to Utica University, with the job search soon coming to a close. Candidates individually appeared on campus during the last week of February.
“[The vice president of enrollment management] is such a critical position that all universities need,” Utica University President Todd Pfannestiel said. “We need a leader in that role who is going to lead our excellent team, and when Dr. Jeff Gates left for an opportunity in Florida, we launched our search right away.”
To assist in the job search process, Utica University hired RH Perry, the search firm that was utilized during the university’s recent president search, according to Pfannestiel.
“They have networks and know everyone across the country, so we know we’ll be getting the best possible candidates,” Pfannestiel said. “We actually connected and consulted with a lot of the same individuals during this process as we did with the president search.”
In addition to the search firm, the university also formed its own search committee, comprised of faculty and staff members.
At the time of publication, there were four potential finalist candidates, according to Pfannestiel. Each candidate was given an opportunity to make themselves known to the greater Utica University community.
“While candidates are here, they are given a full day of interview time,” Pfannestiel said. “They’ll meet with the search committee, the employees that work in enrollment management, the other vice presidents, the president, and then there will be an open forum in the afternoon for faculty and students to speak with them. Then, we take into consideration everyone’s thoughts, and the committee meets to provide a final report to me.”
Currently, the goal is for the search committee to make their recommendation before spring break begins. If this is accomplished, Pfannestiel hopes to extend an offer to their selection by the end of March and see them start in their position as soon as possible.
The search for a new provost is behind the vice president of enrollment management search, having just gotten under way. The job listing was posted on Feb. 14.
“The advertisement is out there now,” Pfannestiel said. “A search committee has been formed for [the provost search], and we plan on getting together before spring break to talk about our process.”
The provost search has been off to a quick start, with several applicants coming in just a few days after the position was posted.
“Thus far, we have 15 potential candidates,” Pfannestiel said. “With the Provost search, there are less available positions, hence why our pool here has been bigger than that with the Vice President of Enrollment Management search.”
The Utica University provost application deadline is March 29. At publication, the provost search is looking to interview candidates in the beginning of April, with finalists coming to campus before the end of the month.