CSTEP is looking for more students

Utica University CSTEP is currently looking for more students to join.
February 24, 2022
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at Utica University is currently looking for more students to join. The CSTEP program of Utica University is funded by a grant from the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
“CSTEP is a grant-funded program for underrepresented students in underrepresented fields, [such as] students pursuing a professional licensing career in math, science, technology or health-related fields,” Assistant Director of CSTEP, Kari Bearne said.
Some of the majors eligible for the CSTEP program include accounting, biology, biochemistry, computer science, mathematics and more.
The CSTEP program offers a wide variety of services to students, such as tutoring, academic advising and counseling. Participating students can also complete an internship in their chosen field and attend conferences and workshops that will aid them in preparation for their chosen profession.
“We meet with the students at least twice a month to guide them academically,” Bearne said. “We also have professional tutors to help them with their major-related classes. We work closely with career services and faculty in the field for internship placement and we will also assist the students with internship searches.”
Students also receive some financial support when it comes to the costs of preparatory exams for graduate studies, as well as fees for registration, licensing exams, conferences and workshops.
Students also have the opportunity to gain practical experience through job shadowing, mentoring and the available internship opportunities that they receive offers for.
“To be eligible for this program, you must be a resident of New York State and you must earn a cumulative G.P.A of 2.5 or higher,” Bearne said. “They must be also majoring in one of the required majors for the CSTEP program. The student will then have to go through an interview process with me.”
According to the Utica website, CSTEP also has summer opportunities for students, including a five-week summer institute program that is meant to help students become more prepared for the engaging and challenging coursework.
“CSTEP students are students that are higher on the academic scale and have the drive to become a professional,” Bearne said.
For more information on the program, visit https://www.utica.edu/opportunity-programs/collegiate-science-and-technology-entry-program for details on how to apply and forms for necessary resources.